Monday, January 10, 2011

Why is the ocean salty?

Ocean water is salty as minerals get dissolved into the rain water from the solid earth. The majority of these minerals come from rivers whereas some originated from the rock or the plan living in the sea. 

As the sun heat the water, pure water evaporates, leading to the form of cloud. Then it rains, which erodes land and rocks containing minerals. The minerals dissolve, together with water, flow into the sea. The process continues and hence makes the concentration of salt in the sea increase and the ocean is salty. The amount of flow of water and minerals from the vents would have increased in about 10 million years. This factor indicates that sea water attains salinity due to this process. The salinity of the ocean is measured by the part of the dissolve salt over the water, usually between 30-40 parts per thousand. The Dead Sea, also called the Salt Sea, is the saltiest ocean in the world. People can float on the surface of water because the Archimedes Force of salt water is very high, which can help us to float on.


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